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TrustDale Make It Right Guarantee

Sir Grout is backed by the TrustDALE "Make it Right Guarantee". Click here to view the original PDF format of this guarantee. In addition, we've included it below for your convenience.

All TrustDALE certified businesses providing general consumer services (excludes health and wellness providers) must agree in writing to accept and abide by the following:
  • Customers have a right to extraordinary customer service.
  • My current warranty and customer service are among the best available in the field.
  • I ensure complete customer satisfaction, by offering the TrustDALE Make It Right guarantee.
  • The TrustDALE Guarantee becomes valid when a customer contacts the vendor through TrustDALE, or confirms his purchase on within 24 hours of the transaction.
  • The TrustDALE Guarantee states that if the customer is dissatisfied with a product, repair or customer service, the customer will first employ the avenues of redress made available by the business' customer service agreement. In the event that at the conclusion of the process the customer remains dissatisfied, he/she will have the right to take the grievance to TrustDALE within 90 days from the original date of purchase.
  • I will allow TrustDALE and an independent expert in the field to review the customer's complaint. If upon conclusion of review, the independent expert and Dale agree that the customer's position is justified, I agree to abide by the recommendation of TrustDALE to Make It Right.
  • Make It Right means the vendor will repair/replace the product as recommended by TrustDALE, or will pay for the product to be repaired or replaced, or will reimburse the customer for the cost of the repair/product at a price up to, but not to exceed, the original price paid by the customer.

Must be activated within 90 Days from Original Date of Purchase.

More About Investigative Reporter Dale Cardwell

Dale Cardwell is a six-time, Emmy award-winning investigative reporter based in Atlanta, Georgia. Dale has spent almost 30 years successfully exposing business scams, political corruption, and educating consumers to become their own best advocate.

Early Career: Dale's television career began at WKAG in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. His exposure of concerns related to the 1985 crash of a U.S. Army chartered jet that killed 248 Fort Campbell soldiers in Gander Newfoundland, made international news and propelled Dale to a prominent investigative role with the CBS-TV affiliate in Birmingham, Alabama. He went on to serve investigative reporting stints for WRAL-TV in Raleigh and WSMV-TV in Nashville before landing as a consumer investigative reporter for WSB-TV Atlanta, the number one station in the nation's eighth largest television market.

Teaming Up with Clark Howard: In 1996, Dale joined consumer advocate Clark Howard. Together they formed the nation's number one consumer reporting team. Clark and Dale won numerous awards for their business reporting, and under Clark's tutelage, Dale became an expert at recognizing financial scams and determining the components that separate sound financial investments from those that are "too good to be true."

Fighting Political Corruption and Government Waste: WSB-TV expanded Dale's role in early 2000 to include ferreting out political corruption and taxpayer abuse. Dale's efforts saved Georgians tens of millions of dollars, led to the jailing of some of Atlanta's most notorious politicians, and caused others to be removed from office. He left WSB-TV in late 2007 to run for the United States Senate. Holding the sentiment that government had been "bought" by corporate-financed special interests, Dale refused PAC (political action committee) contributions. In spite of the financing challenges, he captured nearly 25% of the primary vote in Georgia's populous North/Central counties.

Launch of With a desire to directly empower consumers with solutions, in 2009, Dale launched his unique, business review and consumer advocacy company, This successful enterprise has now grown to encompass a multi-media platform including online, TV, and radio in the metropolitan markets of Atlanta, Nashville, Tampa, Birmingham, and Dallas Fort Worth. Thousands rely on, the free online resource where consumers can obtain Dale's recommendations to find the best local businesses. Dale and his consumer investigative team stringently vet and review businesses according to reputation, price, quality, and customer service. Those meeting the highest standards are eligible to become TrustDale "Certified" gaining Dale's personal endorsement and the opportunity for promotion through TrustDale's multi-media presence.

TrustDale TV and TrustDale Radio: Dale continues his journalistic role on-air as the weekly consumer advocate host of TrustDale TV. The consumer problem-solving format airs multiple times in cities that includes WGCL CBS 46 in Atlanta, WFTS ABC 28 in Tampa, WBRC FOX 6 in Birmingham, and KTXA-21 CBS in Dallas / Fort Worth. Dale hosts TrustDale Radio with a similar consumer advocacy format sharing advice for avoiding scams and saving money. The show airs on Talk Radio 640 WGST in Atlanta, 105.5 WERC in Birmingham, KFXR 1190AM in Dallas/Fort Worth, WLAC 1510AM in Nashville, and WHNZ 1250AM in Tampa.

Off air, Dale is a much sought after speaker for business and community organizations as well as guest lecturer for college and university courses, sharing real-life consumer advice and researched solutions.

Outside of his professional pursuits, Dale and his wife Angie, a hospice nurse, have raised two grown children, Adam and Jessica, and make their home in DeKalb County, Georgia.

Click here to view the original PDF format of Dale Cardwell's Biography.


For your convenience, below shows the various counties and cities where we provide service:

Anne Arundel, Maryland

Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore City, Maryland

Carroll, Maryland

Harford, Maryland

Howard, Maryland

Kent, Maryland

Montgomery, Maryland

Queen Anne's, Maryland

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